Gull Watch 2023 and 2024

In 2023 I recorded gull nests in the locality. Gull nests are easier to see from a good vantage point or from a height. The counts show a concentration around where I live – as they are quite easy to see from a first or second floor. But you can also hear the young who have distinctive and whiny peeping call.

This year I am starting to look earlier in the season. If you’re thinking of contributing make a note of the nests positions first. We’re as interested in the nest position as in the assessment of breeding success, which will mean watching nesting pairs thoughout late June, July and into August.

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By gullwatch

A Dunbar based project without public funding. Made with flotsam and jetsam. If interested in the ecology of gulls, feel free to reach out and help improve local knowledge. Nota Bene: do not disturb gulls esp. during nesting or while bringing up their young. All gulls are protected by law. Gulls can be aggressive if the young are threatened. Don't take risks enumerating nest sites and chicks. Don't feed or play with gulls.